Fun Afternoon In the Yard

We hit the dollar store this morning and bought some eggs to hang on a tree in the front yard at Great Grandma’s house. I helped hand this pink one on the tree.


I was SO proud of me! 🙂


Out tree is done. It came out very pretty!


I was doing headstands in the mud!


Too bad this is fuzzy, we were both laughing so hard!


Then we played out back. I liked watching Breighton dig for worms. I needed my own bucket and shovel. Breighton kept getting mad at me for taking his!


Grandma Susie bought me a neat golf set to use in the yard. I did very well hitting the balls.


Then I wanted to clean everything up and dump it back out!


We got cleaned up in the warm tub after playing outside in the 36F weather! Neither of us wanted to get out of the tub it was so nice to be warm!


After bath and dindin we went to the library for a pajama story time. I was so tuckered by the time we got home I went right to bed!

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