We arrived home in time to joint he chaos of prepping for Hurricane Irma. Since we were out of town most of the summer we didn’t have all the supplies we needed. Mom and B ran to Costco to secure some bottled water and other goodies.
We watched the weather and prepared the house the best we could. Thankfully we have hurricane windows, doors and more.
We helped prep all the flashlights and lanterns.
We took before the storm photos in case there was notable damage.
Irma continued to shift bringing us closer and closer to the worst part of the storm.
Before she arrived we enjoyed a long walk in the rain and low winds. We knew this was the last time out of the house for a while.
IN the morning we awoke to lots of downed trees on the street and in the neighborhood. We had minimal damage and mostly to the palms out front but they are designed to shed their fronds in high winds. Some of the fronds blew quite a ways away!
The palms in the back dropped a lot of dead fronds and we got them all cleaned up.
We were basically trapped on our street for a few hours until neighbors helped neighbors and pulled all the trees blocking the road towards the edge. They just fell like twigs.
We were happy to find the owls! They will probably be leaving soon to make room for the fall squirrels and blue jays to nest.
We did end up having to bring the motorhome to the house to stay in for a few nights. Our AC stopped working after a surge before the storm arrived. Dad got it all fixed but it took a while to get parts since UPS and FEDEX were still closed from the storm.
We passed the time outside playing games in the shade of the tree and offering free phone charges to the neighbors. It took almost 5 days to get the power back. That wasn’t a bad wait considering how many people long power and how many trees were down throughout the county of lines.
We did sneak out to Animal Kingdom shortly after the storm to get away from the heat of the house. If we were going to sweat we opted for Disney! We enjoyed low crowds at Avitar land and got on all the rides.
We arrived home to find Dad and a portable AC unit! We had ONE cool room in the house with the AC running off the generator. Once we got power se still used the portable to cool the room. It was too loud at night for sleeping but we managed.
We now watch Jose and Maria.. will this season end soon?
We enjoyed a day at EPCOT as well when the crowds were low. I found new food to eat!
Since school was essentially canceled Mom kept us busy with some wok on our 4-H Sewing Project. We learned about sergers and also worked on Breighton’s service project of making dg toys for the shelter.