Oceanarium and Half the Park Loop

This morning we headed to the Oceanarium. It is a place that is made to educate people about the lobster industry in Maine and also they do lobster research through their hatchery. They claim to be one of the only hatchery in the USA. We had a ticket that got us into 4 different areas. We started with the touch tank and a very knowledgeable intern who taught everyone about echinoderms.


I was the first to have my hand up or out to touch and hold critters. B was impressed I was willing to hold the horseshoe crab.


Next we learned about ferns, trees and fungus. We learned that black flies buzz at the highest point and can really be annoying to hikers. If you take bracken fern and set it on your head like a hat they will buzz the top and not your head. So I proceeded to walk around with the fern on my head.



Next we learned about the lobster life cycle and even got to see a mama lobster that had thousands of eggs on her under tail. The hatchery has a special license to have the females as it is illegal for anyone else to have them.



I tried my strength against a lobster claw. Lobsters are really strong and can really hurt you!


We learned about lobster fishing practices and what is illegal and what is legal in keeping the lobsters.



Next we started the park loop at Acadia again. Mom went the wrong way so we only did half the loop. It worked out okay with timing so no big deal. We earned our centennial ranger badges at the visitors center.


We caught up our journals on top of Cadillac Mountain. I was NOT happy that mom made me catch up!


We hiked a trail to Bubble Rock.


It was a longer trial and we were getting hot since the sun finally came out.


We are NOT touching the boulder, aka Bubble Rock. We just made it look that way!


I found a perfect nap spot and curled up and looked around.


We made it to the top just for fun and then headed off to explore Jordon Pond and the Carriage House.


When we got back to the campground B and I went swimming. The air was super foggy and it was about 55F outside. The pool water was warm and it didn’t even bother me to get out and go down the slide!





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