Busy Saturdays are the BEST

Today was the Ironman 70.4 race through Clearwater so our goal was to avoid central county at all costs. We had to go work in the garden this morning and had a fun time with that. Afterwards, on the way out Mommy suggest McGough Nature Park for a few minutes of looking at the animals. The nature center was open and I enjoyed looking at the displays.


My favorite part is feeding the turtles. Last time there were hundreds waiting for food. Today, not that many.


Daddy helped toss the food out far in the pond.


There were lots of turtles on the banks of the pond but when we got close they all dove in the water.


Happy boys heading back for more turtle feeding.


Finally some turtles arrived! The one in the middle kept smacking the face of the big one. He would chase it around and then put his little legs up and wiggle his fingers and smack him in the face. It was actually quite entertaining!


After some nature time we stopped at Haslam’s Bookstore in St. Petersburg and then headed to the Morean Art Center for a fussed stain glass craft class. We all had a fun time making our sun-catchers and can’t wait to see the results in a few days!


This one is mine.


This one was Daddy’s. We used similar colors.


When we finished our crafts we played around in the children’s center for a while.


What a fun day! 🙂

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