Tummy Yuckies

After Breighton’s birthday party I was so tucked out I went right to bed. I took a near three hour nap. When I woke up I was just fine. We ran a few errands and I had part of a hotdog and pizza at COSTCO. No one felt like cooking after the long morning. We were on the way home from the grocery store and I threw up all over the car. Mommy and Daddy figured it was something I ate of got into at the party. Well, I kept throwing up… ALL night long. Mommy stayed up with me and just rocked me and snuggled until I was able to lay back in bed. Then the tummy ache would start all over. It was a VERY long night. By morning I was hungry but Mommy would only let me nurse a few minutes and then I would get MAD. By lunchtime I was keeping liquids down.

I was feeling a lot better after my nap and then we went to Arigato for a birthday celebration. I was SO cranky because I was still exhausted. I came right home and went to bed. I am feeling a TON better now! 🙂

Big Brother Turns FOUR!

I was totally amped up for Breighton’s forth birthday! I enjoyed playing with the sidewalk chalk and blowing bubbles while the big kids were the the “lab”.


Thanks Grandpa Howie for taking so many GREAT photos! I was such a happy boy.


But a little sad that I wasn’t really allowed to play with the big kids.


Plus Mommy put these silly new shoes (Breighton’s old ones) on my feet. I am used to my Robies and these things were weird feeling. I eventually managed to get them both off.


Then I snuck in the lab. I mixed a little with Mommy and helped dump a few things and then was whisked away to the safety of the drive-way.


Breighton and I shared a bag of gummies and drew on the sidewalk a bit. Thanks Grandma Susie and Grandma Jo for helping keep track of me! 🙂


Grandma Jo washing me up after I got all yuckie. I REALLLLLLLY don’t like to have dirty hands!


My neat lab-coat that Mommy made.


Me, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Susie and Breighton after a long day in the sun.


EPCOT for Mommy’s Birthday

We went to EPCOT for Mommy’s birthday this year. I really enjoyed the fish feeding at the Living Seas. I was able to be right against the glass tank and was totally mesmerized.         


I kept right with Breighton in my true “copy cat” style. I have to try or do everything that Breighton is doing. He is an awesome big brother and I really enjoy spending time with him.


I hung out with Grandma Susie while Breighton, Mommy and Daddy went on Soarin.

I was such a ham.


Look at me. Totally entertained by a plastic box.


I had to try to climb the ropes like the big kids.


Grandma Susie was even down from Ohio for a break to visit so she got to go with us. It was AWESOME!


Look Mommy is 34!


Sharing some water time with Breighton. He shoved me away because I was trying to steal his water!


Trying to catch the water. This fountain is usually the highlight of my day! I love to play in the water.


Working on getting soaking wet!


What you talking about Willis?


Arrr, blow me down! I need me spinach!


Totally lost in my own happiness.


Run Forest RUN!


What a goofy grin I have. I bite my bottom lip and my 4 front teeth look silly!


I need my “hat”! I am signing a lot now.


What an amazingly fun day! 🙂 We really enjoyed ourselves.


Okay, so I USED to saw a few words (banana and that) but with all my ear infections I really lost interest in words. Until today!

Mommy has been ramping up the signing lately along with the picture book reading since I am finally taking an interest in both.

Today I was signing HAT (patting one hand on your head) and suddenly out of my very own mouth came the word “HAT!” spoken confidently!

I keep signing HAT and giggling and then saying HAT. Tonight when Mommy tucked me in for night-night I looked at her and giggled uncontrollably and then signed HAT and said HAT and waved bye-bye! 🙂

More words to follow…soon I hope! Words are neat! Still no more teeth.. I am stuck at 6!