Another long drive to Diamond Lake RV resort near Crater Lake NP in Oregon. A quick snag of a sphinx moth at a gas station along the route. Our first sighting of snow capped mountains! Finally new scenery, trees!
We arrived and set up camp and then Uncle Matt came over.He drove up from California for a few days visit with us. He is staying at the “resort†down the road. We had a nice dinner and spent time catching up and talking about our adventures. He brought us some new items for our rock collection. We spread them out all over the beds and had a great time examining everything. Thanks Matt!
The first morning we spent sightseeing and TRYING to hike trails. All the moderate to difficult trails seemed to be closed for one reason or another. We still found lots of snow and had some snowball fights.
The view of Crater Lake was amazing. The sky was a bit hazy but the blues really started to pop out.
We wore Emmerson out to the point he went goofy. He was erasing his footprints as we hiked so no-one could follow him. Strange bird! He perked up when we found more snow piles along the trails.
The boys attended a program and eared their badges and patches at the park.
We then walked the pinnacles. Old femoral vents from when this place was active volcanically. We walked out to the boundary of the park and headed back for an early night. Dad is trying to stay on East Coast time for work during the week. So bedtime is before sundown most days.
Another day of exploring with Uncle Matt and some more hiking.
We loved pretending that we just climbed out of the crater
We enjoyed looking down at the Pirate Ship. We even saw a marmot hiding in the rock wall near the over look.
We engaged in some serious snow ball fights near the visitors center. We saw the HUGE plow they use in the winter! The chains alone were impressive! We learned the history of the crater and how it formed.
The earth is quite impressive.
Matt treated us to lunch at the Crater Lake Lodge and we said our good-byes. The boys are dying to go out to California during the snow seasons soon and learn to ski or snowboard or sled and tube! Thanks Matt for a great visit!
We wrapped up with some bug catching at the campground while Mom did more laundry. Off to Washington next.