Diving Board and Turkey


Today at Homeschool Swim Workshop we had a chance to jump off the diving board. I really WANTED to do it, but I was just scared, terrified in fact.  I made it to the end and then came back. It was just too much for me. It resulted in near 2 hour of crying about how I wanted to do it but was TRULY TERRIFIED! Mom offered for me to pick an incentive if that would help me take my mind off long enough to jump. I wanted iPad time. She agreed if I jumped I got an hour. Well, I didn’t jump. Mom said she would give me 15 minutes for trying to jump. I screamed and cried more and more. I eventually calmed down, there is no negotiating with me when I am in that “place” and Mom just has to let me work it out and calm down myself. Such a perfectionist yet so afraid. I am only SEVEN!



I made up for my rough morning with a LOT of great shots at archery. I was excited to try out my new arrows. I didn’t want to shoot at the bags. I was all about the 3D targets tonight. I took on the turkey and had over 10 kill shots before calling it quits for the evening.


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