Florida Aquarium Homeschool Day

We got to the aquarium just in time to see the penguin show. I laughed so hard Mom thought I would burst! They were so cut and silly and made a donkey like bray.


I was having fun looking for the HUGE sea turtle.


I found this soft shell turtle instead. He was really cool too. His neck was so long!


I even braved the touch tank! I am finally tall enough to reach in. The water was FREEZING cold.


Watching an enormous school of fish swim by on the other side.


Okay, I will try to look at the camera while still trying to watch the fish.


I didn’t want to go in the “Explore a Shore” water play area. I was cool with the sandbox or curled up on Mommy. What a fun day! 🙂


At the end of the day I got a stuffed turtle with a baby stuffed turtle that hides on her back. Mommy should have thought twice about that because I need helping putting the baby turtle into the little pocket (every 2 minutes after I am tucked into bed!). Plus if I squeeze the baby it squeaks! (every 5 seconds for an hour after being tucked into bed).