Swimming Un-Lessons

Tonight we started lessons at the YMCA. Breighton went first and I hung out with Mommy on the steps. I had a fun time splashing and giggling and holding the wall and kicking water at Mommy.

When Breighton was done and it was my turn I immediately burst into tears, screams and near hyperventilating cries! The teacher tried for a good 10-15 minutes to get me calm but I was just not happy and wanted NOTHING to do with it! Mommy decided that I just wasn’t ready at this point and that maybe Mommy will just have to teach me or we will wait until next summer. I love the water and really like being in the pool but on my terms and I have to be in control!

So I guess I am officially an unschooler when it comes to swimming.

Sorry there are no photos of me screaming to show the therapist in years to come but Mommy was in the water with me and we don’t have a personal camera crew!

Sunflower Maze at Sweetfields Farm

Today we went to Sweetfields Farm in Brooksville. They have an amazing sunflower maze.


The flowers were not all in bloom yet but those that were were beautiful!


I liked playing the pump pump game.


Once I figured out how to use the pump I was a pro at it! I was sending sucks and frogs floating down my little river.


Checking out Breighton’s technique.


I enjoyed the hayride a lot! Probably because there were lots of animals in the neighboring fields to see! We saw horses and cows and mutant dragonflies.


Finally we went in the maze. I refused to walk, because that is just how I do things! Mommy and Daddy took turns carrying me.


Breighton led the way and only got us lost about 17 times! Just kidding, he was a great guide.


Still going strong.


Loosing a bit of steam. We made it about 1/3 of the way through and bailed out an emergency exit. The sun was so hot and Breighton was wearing out a bit. We really did have fun! I wish we did the entire thing, I wasn’t tired at all!


We did explore the farm a bit and visited with the chickens for a while.


Finally I was willing to walk by myself only because I knew there was something fun to do in that tent over there.


Sure enough we got to plant our own sunflowers!!!


I also made a colored pasta necklace.


This sunflower was saying goodbye to us as we left! 🙂


We had a fun time. You should go!

Why Do I Fall Victim?

Breighton always lets me play with him. Sometimes I am the robber and get caught by the cops. Sometimes I am the skeleton and get caught by the pirates. Sometimes I am a dog and get caught by the dog catcher. Do you see the pattern here? I do! Today Breighton wanted to play pet store… I didn’t get to be the check-out person or the cage cleaner… once again I got caught!!!


So Breighton, when you are reading this years from now… know that I love you so much and would play any of your silly games. Not it is my turn to catch you… just you wait until I can!!!
