Front Yard Fun

We opted for an afternoon of fun in the garage and yard. We made lots of art projects. I had just fiished painting and Mommy went to wash off the brush in the sink. I grabbd the glue and it would not come out so twisted the top and nothing. Then I twisted harder and the glue came out. I put the glue on my project. Mommy was SO proud of me! 🙂


After our arts we played some croquette in the yard. I think I am getting the hang of hitting the ball now! 🙂


Easter Egg Hunts SCARE Me

Today we went to the Easter Hunt at the YMCA. I was really “out of it” for most of the day. I wanted to be in someone’s arms the entire time. When I saw Grandma and Grandpa I calmed down and was willing to be on the ground. At least until they said GO!


Pouting a bit because I didn’t want Mommy to take my photo.


I absolutely panicked once my foot hit the grass. Daddy to the rescue and he figured it out quickly. I did NOT like the wet grass… I could feel it through my shoes… HONEST! So Daddy held me upside down and then I was willing to pick up a few eggs.


I got a few eggs. We had to open them all up and see if we got a prize slip, NOPE!


But I had a fun time opening the eggs. Some were really hard!!


Hopefully I am more revved up for the Safety Harbor Egg Hunts in a week or so!

Riding My Tricycle

Last night was so pretty out that we decided to go to the neighborhood park and ride bikes on the basketball court! 🙂 I am really doing well learning to peddle. I still get frustrated when my feet fly off the peddles and then I just scoot around.


But at least I am having a LOT of fun!


When I got tired of scooting I opted for the push and run approach. I can even steer!


I avoided a few collisions with brother and even managed to drive my tricycle over myself once… don’t ask! It was a bad moment! No boo-boos though so all was fine!
