Enjoying Ohio Once Again

We arrived up in Ohio early enough to get outside and hunt some bugs and play in the yard for a while. Breighton was teaching me how to catch Daddy Long Legs.


The next day we took some downtime on the porch after a VERY early wake-up. I was being SUPER cheezy whenever Mommy pulled out the camera.


Almost a normal smile.


Okay I like to be silly! I have been closing my eyes and tipping my head back when I saw the camera.


I liked trying to net some fireflies.


I tried to keep up with Breighton and the big kids…


I eventually caught up and helped them make some “deer soup”.


Fun Filled Saturday

This morning we went to a fishing tournament for Breighton and his friend Madi. I got to be confined to the stroller, JOY! I guess I was happy about it!


Plus, I had my buddy Michael (MJV) to keep me company. We snacked, laughed and threw things in the water.


Afterwards we came home and got cleaned up and went to Breighton’s friend Zachary’s party at Great Explorations.

I was in a ROTTEN mood! I didn’t want to stay with Mommy I just wanted to be running around. When I was running around, I just wanted Mommy.


FInally, Mommy figured out I liked the pretend grocery store. I stocked up on fruits and veggies.


What yummy fun!


Heading to check out…


After groceries I figured out I could climb up to watch Daddy and Breighton drive cars they built around a slot car track.


Then I discovered I could SWING on the track! YEAH!!!!


I was exhausted by the end of the day. I took a short nap, i needed a LONG nap. Oh well! I was in a super cranky mood and everything for the rest of the evening set me into a crying rage. I perked up for a bit and dove onto a pile of pillows by the sofa. Well, I caught the ledge of the window with my right eye. Diagonally across my eye socket.


It looked worse as the night went on, but thank goodness nothing seems broken.


What a day. Time for bed! 🙂