Getting ready to start the LONG day.
Everyone is smiling. We are energized and ready to have FUN!
No looking back. I am completely fearless when if comes to wandering away from Mommy. But if she tries even one step to walk away from me… I SCREAM! AHHH!
Looking back for Mom, and oddity. Maybe it was because I wanted my shoes because this mulch was HOT HOT HOT!
Driving the pirate ship.
I love slides. I love to do them on my own. Ready… Set…
GiGi, looking fantastic for 94! 🙂
Telling Daddy where I want to go. I saw another playground!
If I pull up I may land on my head, help please!
Mommy helping me sit with Breighton and a pretty girl on the “not-so-swingy” swing.
More slides… Head first?? Sure why not!!!
Making music in the gardens.
Mommy took B to the potty and I showed off my mutant strength doing pull-ups! 🙂
I can scale this ladder rather easily.
I think I am wearing out. I really don’t want lunch.
Everyone else was eating.
I just wanted to scream!
After a brief nap I felt recharged and was ready for some exploring. Daddy and Breighton were off doing the “Kim Possible” thing and I went on my own adventure.
Using the “Kim-unicator” to get my mission.
My mission involved a sippy cup!
Wandering down the sidewalks.
Trying to find a place for a picnic.
This looks good but there is a fence around it, BUMMER!
Oh well, mission failed. So off to do something else.
Why is water shooting out of the ground??
Breighton explained the mechanics and how to play in the water.
I don’t think this is for me!
Well, maybe it is! 🙂
I was soaked in just a few minutes. What a fun way to cool off and end the day at EPCOT.