We enjoyed a nice 5 mile hike at Honeymoon Island. We wore Mom out, well her knee. Next time, bring water!
Author: laurie
Busch Gardens Fun
B starts his next classes at SPC next week so we played a lot this week. We had a great day at Busch Gardens. The crowds were small and the weather was beautiful. We watched the chimps forage for their treats for a while. Some were quite piggy. The sky buckets were open so we rode them a few times.
Mom convinced us to ride the Stanley Falls flume ride. It was a wee bit cold.
We got SOAKED!
I looked like I wet myself!
The highlight of the day was the bumpercars! SO. Â MUCH. Â FUN!
All Mom wanted was a nice smile, NOPE!
B begged me to ride Cobra’s curse but I am just not ready yet!
Holiday Break
We had a fantastic winter break. We did lots of arts and crafts and baking projects. I love making gingerbread houses.Â
Thunder did a good job of guarding the gifts from the other cats.
We made lots of cookies and other treats.
I got a few early gifts including these straw like things that you can build with. I had a blast!Â
The elves and elf pets were ready to fly back to the North Pole. We sent them off with some treats and milk.
In return they left us a mess of toilet paper!
Merry Christmas!
Grandma Susie came and spent the day with us. We got her a giant bottle of coconut rum. She doesn’t drink!
We got this cool race track. Thunder thinks it is his job to sit in the middle of the track and knock off the cars!Â
Well, or block the track completely!
We took out our new scooters for a spin at the park. We were trying to find some beetles in the fallen logs, no luck.
Oh, I also got table tennis, ping pong…. We can set the net up on the dining room table.
We worked a little on our 4-H project books.
We started the Brooker Creek entomology display.
I enjoyed the 4-H cooking demos and art projects at Brooker Creek.
We also made a trip to Venice to visit Grandma and Grandpa.
More scooters in the park!
Back to classes to keep on track so we can wrap up in April this year!