Well, a month ago we were wrapping up spring break and the news arrived that the virus has hit the US. This sent everything into a spirial of crazy. Spring break was extended a few days. Those few days became a few weeks of distance learning, those few weeks became the rest of the term and then the rest of summer term too. Mom and Dad have been busy crafting masks, which we have to wear in public now. There are long lines everywhere as you have to keep your distance, 6 feet, from others. The stores have arrows to allow one way flow. Toilet paper is the hot item. Apparently people use more when they are at home all the time. We are under quarantine, it’s been about 6 weeks and things are looking good for a slow open soon. We have taken lots of family walks at home and the parks. We stay home the rest of the time. Mom and Dad do all the shopping and wear masks and wash up when they get home. Restaurants are closed, except for takeout. A lot closed altogether. We still were able to get popcorn from Popical and crappy Chinese food. Pretty much everything is closed that isn’t “essential.â€
Learning is all online now, well parts of it were before anyway. I had to do some Zoom meetings with FLVS for chemistry class and the lesson got Zoom bombed. That wasn’t fun. Mom does Zoom with 4-H and our clubs but it is all password protected. Our summer trips are canceled and summer camps are almost canceled.
This is almost like a really bad dystopian book. Thank goodness school is keeping me pretty busy so I haven’t really had much time to think about all of this. I passed the PERT for SPC 4 days before the school closed for the virus. So this summer I will start with a simple online computer skills class.
Some of these photos are just for reminders of what this was like so I can look back at it later.
Mom making masks Working on school wherever sometimes on the floor Lines and social distancing yet the stores are empty masking up in public trying tomato 3D ones too Sewing still Still smiling Zoom calls for 4-H Sneaking out to the carwash a family hike Signs everywhere Scoring TP Long lines too get in Dad’s “at home” office Sidewalk art this was fun it took a few hours