I’m Bored and Birds?

I came in and told Mom I was bored and she told me to find something to do. This is what I picked to do. She found some schoolwork for me eventually. Maybe I will learn to not say I am bored! Although I really enjoy learning about chemistry.  We had friends come to Busch Gardens with us. We had a lot of fun exploring the park, seeing the animals and riding the train.

I had a fun time feeding the lorikeets until…this one thought my shoulder made a good roost…Then it tried to EAT ME! I dont like them anymore!

Young Eagles

We went to Young Eagles this weekend at the Clearwater Airpark. I have been waiting for this event again for a long time. I was hoping this would be my day to fly the plane. B and I got pared together and B offered the front seat to me. However the pilot wanted to balance weight so I got put in the back, again. Oh well! I had a blast taking photographs out the window and trying to find our house. 
Off we go…Safely back on the ground. I can’t wait for 2020 when they do the event again.

Weekend Shenanigans

I tried to convince Dad that I needed this giant Halloween treat bucket. It didnt work out. We went to the Native Plant event at Brooker Creek Preserve and I enjoyed feeding the monarchs. The next day we helped Mr. James with an outreach program on insects. We brought our collections and had a good time showing them off and educating others about 4-H and the insect program.   We took a afternoon trip over to Disney Springs and enjoyed wandering around before the crowds get crazy for the upcoming season. I did finally find a hat that I really liked! I was so happy to make this one my own.

4-H Forest Ecology and Insect Clubs

We took a trip to Gainesville for the Forest Ecology Clinic.We came up the night before since the clinic started so early. We had a great time learning about the plants that will be on the contest. There were mini sessions for all skill levels that taught a variety of topics. I worked on my pacing and compass skills. We had a huge group from our club come up so that was really nice. I had a little insect zoo going on in the main classroom by the end of the day. We are rolling with out insect club too. We have a few new members. We learned aobut insect life cycles, baby and adult forms of insects. We collected some specimen in the fields at Philippe Park.Â