This week we had archery club and then the kick off for the Forest Ecology Team. We had a great 1st meeting at Brooker Creek  with Ms. Lara teaching us about different plants and trees.Â
We did study groups at the end while we cooled off. I helped with Breighton to teach the insect/disease rotation.
We also had the State traditional Archery Tournament up in Newberry. I was on fire on the front half in the FITA range. Mom was my lane judge.Â
Pulling arrows.
I had to shoot at 10 and 15 yards. Next yearI move up to 20 and 30 yards! I think I am ready!Â
One of my arrows got Robin Hooded by another boy. Thankfully only the nock was ruined.
I enjoy scoring on the tablets. They are so much easier to use. In 4-H even the 8 year olds score their flights.
Going into the woods I had a nice solid lead. This is the best I have ever shot on the front! My strength is in the woods! In the woods I held my own and stayed focused. I shot amazing. I just KNEW I would win!Â
Waiting for awards is the hardest part!
I did it! 1st place! Normally I am one of 1-3 kids in my bow class. So this was a huge win for me. It shows how much I have grown and my skills developed. I am excited for the All around match next month!Â