Our 4-H club helped put up a bat box at the Ochs garden this week. I dug most of the hole and then helped put the pole in.
When B goes to class at SPC, Mom and I find a new place each week to sit and work on school work. I am enjoying the attention and focus. I am flying through my math class and enjoying tackling Latin as well. I don’t care for civics but am learning a lot.Â
We stopped off at Brooker Creek to work on the project some more. Mr James gave us a few Mantid babies. We are raising them at home now.
The State Fair was this weekend too. We went for the donuts and animals. We didn’t stay long as the crowds were insanely crazy!Â
We picked up some insects for the Brooker display. This was in another exhibit and a thought it was awesome!Â
We got new bows this week too! I absolutely LOVE mine! I grew quite a bit since I got my last bow and it was time for an upgrade.Â
At 4-H we made body scrubs and enjoyed some fun with out 4-H family and friends.
Back at the practice range. I am REALLY liking the new bow.
B and I led a class on Macro Invertebrates at the extension office. We had a great time teaching the kids about water quality, insect life cycles and more.
Mom said I was a great leader. I hate to let people use my nets but I did a great job sharing and helping the kids use them safely. We caught quite a few critters!Â
We finished the Brooker Display! It was a lot of work but we are really happy with the outcome!
After we wrapped up we took all the trails we could at the preserve. Some were a bit wet but we got through it!Â