Icky Emmerson

What a cold March day it was today. I got hit with a major allergy attack and felt so icky. Oddly, I felt fine until we got to Breighton’s karate class and then I went downhill.


I didn’t even want to play on Mommy’s phone or my iPad. I just wanted to close my eyes and pretend I was asleep.


But don’t worry, by morning I was ready to get back to running around.


When Daddy got home we had to run to the mall. He bought us these really cute hats and ties. I then proceeded to walk around the mall for the next hour tipping my hat to all the ladies saying “Hello Gorgeous”! Mommy said I am going to be major trouble when I get older.


Morning at the Park

The weather was beautiful this morning so Mommy took us to the park for some much needed running around time. It was really dry out and my hair was FULL of static! Breighton and I got FILTHY and when we came home, exhausted, we had a nice long warm bath.


We took a trip to the library and when we got home Breighton read a few books to me. I love when he reads to me! He can be an amazing big brother… but he can also drive me to tears!


Fun Saturday

THis morning I finally earned my green stripe in karate. Next is my yellow belt!!


After class we came home and had a lazy day around the house. We made pot holders and many other crafts.


We sorted Breighton’s beads by color and played a bit of dress-up. We wrapped up with a serious game of Dino-opoly!

I love the quiet at home days every now and then!


Disney Schooling?

We recently joined a group of homeschoolers called “Disney Schooling” . Basically we meet at a Disney theme park once a month and do some activities together. It is Fun-ucational. That is fun and educational at the same time. I made a few new friends too that live near us back home!



We met some of our camping friends there as well.


The entire group went to see the “Lights, Camera, Action” Stunt show. I was over the moon because it started Lightning McQueen!



What a big group of kids! I sat with my buddies Max and Oscar.
