Well, the plague has hit the house this week. I feel better but Breighton and Daddy now have the icky. Breighton came out for breakfast and then went downhill quickly. A few days ago we made silly bunny cinnamon rolls.


We went to an Easter Egg hunt at the community center.

Grandma Susie came over and we colored eggs.

When it came time for Easter Day celebrations Daddy and Breighton were both laid up in bed sick. We never even had our Easter Egg hunt. Mommy and I went to Grandma Jo and Grandpa Howies to spend some time with family, and away from the sickies. Grandma Jo made the famous bunny cake. I ate nothing but Hawaiian rolls… and LOTS of them!

We came home to a sleepy Breighton. 🙁

So I got to have quiet time the rest of the day with my iPad and some fun games.