Silly Sentence Madness

Today we started our “unofficial” first day of homeschool for the year. I really liked all my subjects. Mommy bought a game from a friend called “Silly Sentences”. I had a lot of fun working on sentence structure with the puzzle like pieces. I absolutely REFUSED to make the sentences silly. I took turns with Mommy. I would get very mad when her sentences were not factual! I told her that is should be called “Serious Sentences”. If you can read upside down you can tell which sentences were mine! The one that made me the most upset was “The scary duck ate a cow.” I REFUSED to think this was possible. I eventually, when Mommy wasn’t looking, changed the verb to “saw”.




Box Exploring & Night Night Tragedy!

We bought a new fridge and we got some boxes from the delivery man. We had a great time playing in and decorating the boxes. I took the biggest box to make my fort. Mommy helped me cut windows, door, skylights and spy holes.


Thunder liked the boxes as much as we did.


He liked jumping up and trying to scare people by the windows.


Mommy was helping tidy up some of the markers we had scattered around the room and she found Night Night ( my blanket) in the corner with a green marker wrapped inside of her. The marker had no lid. My blanket had HUGE green stains all over! Mommy, the laundry goddess, was able to restore the goodness of NIght Night before bedtime! Thanks Mommy!

Unschooling Fun

Our education involves a lot of free play and creative activities. We had a super fun day today digging through and exchanging all of our stuffed animals.



I opted for a dinner of 5 (since I am 5) huge hawaiian rolls.


We researched natural disasters and looked the places up on the globe. We learned that books get out of date really fast. We had to resort to the internet to find more current natural disasters.
