I am getting to be a big baseball fan. I like the Red Sox, like Mommy. I made this sign today when Tampa Bay won a game. TB won. BAD. GO RED SOX!
I helped out at the 4-H table for National Night Out. We taught kids how to make paper helicopters and spread the word about 4-H.
B is studying Marine Ecology for 4H so we have been taking lots of field trips. Today we went to the Florida aquarium to learn about some of the fish and birds. We had into some friends as it was a homeschool study day as well. We did a few cool science experiments.
We saw an albino opossum.
I love the jellyfish the best of all. I told Mommy I can feel there energy.
We even found time to bake cookies for a 4-H community service project.
Our club made baked goods and delivered them to the library and 3 fire stations.
I also learned about map making and planned a mock recreation area. I am finally starting to speak up, but only when I know someone is listening.
I like to be on the team with Cousin Zac. He is mellow like me so we get along well.
Hello fire station! Thank you for servicing our community.