Zombie Pee

We have mentioned it before but never blogged about it. Emmerson has always woken up to pee at night and since a VERY young age never had accidents in bed. He is just awesome like that. He knows to get up and head to the bathroom. Most nights he gets up around 2-3am if at all. He does fine but sometimes falls asleep on the floor getting dressed. He gets embarrased in the morning when you tell him you relocated him.

If Emmer wakes up shortly after going to bed to go potty he is a walking zombie. I’d compare it to sleep walking. Something about the 1-2 hours after he fell asleep that are his danger zone. Sometimes he gets lost or confused and opens the linen closet or wanders to the kitchen. I, Mom, am a light sleeper so I get up and redirect him towards the potty.

Last night he had an early sleep issue. We are on vacation at Grandma and Grandpa’s house in NC. Emmerson got up to potty, couldn’t find the light switch, wandered around a second and found the potty. By this time, I was already up and turning lights on for him. He didn’t make it. Poor kid was pulling his pants down and climbing up on the toilet while his full bladder released. Thankfully the floor is tile. As I tried to help I got christened as well. So, midnight, two people, a floor and toilet needing cleaned up. He took ot on stride and doesn’t remember it this morning.

So, we have coined the term “zombie pee”. I think it shpuld be in all the child raising books!

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