St. Louis Zoo

It must be summer vacation time. Mommy was driving us to the zoo and a rock came out of no where and cracked the windshield. According to Dad, who was NOT in the car at the time, the rock calmly fluttered towards the windshield with MORE than adequate reaction time yet Mommy failed to swerve. Oh well, we will get it fixed at our next extended stop.


There was a new baby elephant at the zoo. This photo shows the mama, an older baby and the new baby. Mama elephant, Raja, has had 6 babies at the zoo!


I am not sure if I am a dung beetle?


Mommy wants someone to make Breighton and me one of these quilts! (Daddy wants Mommy to make it… Mommy said she doesn’t have the time!)


I found a HUGE blue morpho butterfly.


Not sure what kind of butterfly this is but I really loved it.


I was in stitches over the fact that everything was named Emerson. Although I told an employee that they spelled it wrong, it should have TWO of the letter M.


This goat was SO funny. He stood on the bence and then POOPED!




I got to pet lots of stingrays.


I downed an ENTIRE bag of cotton candy.


The sea lion show was my favorite part of the day.


After the show I got to go down really close and visit with him. He weighs about 480lbs!


I had a great time at the zoo and even convinced Mommy that I needed a sea lion Build A Bear. We bought Breighton a meerkat Build A Bear as well.


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