World Bird Sanctuary

Today we visited the World Bird Sanctuary.

They have birds from all over the world that have been rescued due to injury or inability to release back into the wild. They had many birds of prey on exhibit. Some on little tie downs, some in cages without roofs and some with roofs.


I love bald eagles!


I absolutely loved seeing all the owls. I love owls so much.


This is how big an eagles nest would be in the wild. You were allowed to go inside but I was in a mood and just walked over and sat on the bench. I am really tired after 8 hours at Magic House yesterday and then staying up really late playing on my iPad.


I got to feed chickens. I named him “Chickie Pickie Mack a Reekie”. He was a piggy wiggy!


There was a long path lined with all sorts of cages and rehab areas. We walked both sides and say many birds.


This turkey was HUGE!


I am calling this Hedwig, the owl from Harry Potter.




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