Up up and away to Washington DC.
All buckled up and ready to watch a movie while sitting first class. SPOILED!
I loved the METRO. I insisted that they were NOT trains. They were METROS!
We rode the merry-go-round in “the Mall”.
We visited the National Book Festival and I met Angilina Ballerina.
I also met some strange penguin. I like penguins.
We did a LOT of walking. We saw a lot of monuments and museums.
The Old Pst Office had an amazing view since the Washington Monument was closed for repairs.
More METRO. I was a pro by the end of the trip.
I Loved the zoo trip!
I am now obsessed with panda bears.
I rode an eagle!
I found an elephant made of vines.
More walking! The Jefferson Memorial.
Some tourists kept taking our photo!!!!
Franklin Roosevelt had a DOG!
Lincoln was just HUGE!
We turned into monkeys!
I found someone named “E. Carrington” and took a rubbing of the name.
We saw really cool displays at the Smithsonian.
I held bugs!
Lots of bugs.
We visited the White House. We got to look inside. B and I spent the entire time counting eagles. No security threats by us!
We found a castle.
We explored the art.
We explored the nature.
We explored grumpiness.
I drank lots of coffee… I mean hot cocoa. It was cold out!
We saw JFKs gravesite.
I saw the supreme court building while Breighton stayed at the hotel and swam.
I saw Union Station with Daddy as well.
We got new jackets because it was freezing outside!
We saw the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. I found more penguins.
Finally, we got to go home. First Class again on the way home. I was so tired but I had an amazing time!