We went on a “Behind the Seeds” tour at EPCOT. I really liked seeing all the veggies and things up close.
We got to release ladybugs onto the strawberry plants!
I tried cucumber. Not to self… not quite sure what to think!
We saw the fish hatchery! More talapia that I could count. But I can’t count that high just yet.
Not so sure about te icky fish food on my hands.
My day was greatly improved by DUFFY! I just discovered Duffy and fell in love instantly!
Duffy even sat down and snuggled me!
Then we found MARIA! Breighton loves Maria therefor I love Maria!
I wasn’t so sure about the other characters.
Minnie was kind of cute!
She kissed me, she kissed me!!!
I had a great day! I loved seeing all the characters without having to wait in line at ALL!