Mommy’s a CRIMINAL!

Mommy created a “security issue” at EPCOT! Woo hoo!

She left the diaper bag behind a planter when we were having ice cream. forgot about it. ran back at full speed about 20 min later to be greeted by 6 security guards and the head of security! 🙂 haha Mommy had to “identify” all the items in the bag before they would let her touch it. Very specifically what was in the bag and then they let her pick it up and show them. At least they have security procedures!!1 I guess they thought it was a mickey mouse bomb!!!

More Fun at Rigsby

Today was another Pint Sized Picasso class. Today I opted for NO brushes. Instead I painted with my hands…and feet!


Giving Mommy the finger (of paint!).


I really like the feeling of paint on my hands.


But when I am done… I want to be CLEAN! Sparkling clean! If I see even a drop of paint on me I freak out and say YUCKIE YUCKIE!


Play at Rigsby

I am really enjoying my Mommy time. I think these little inexpensive classes at the Safety Harbor Rigsby Center are very fun. I am making lots of new friends.


Plus, I get to act like a total goof and people suck it up!


This “wiggles Pad” drove me nuts. It was really loud!


I had to sit down and try to fix it.


Good there is a power switch! WOO HOO!


So happy it isn’t singing super loud to me!


Tooth? Maybe?

Well, it is official… this darn tooth is STILL not through. I am going through a lot of pain. Mommy said SOON! I guess I have the same problem Breighton did at this age. My teeth come in but move so slow they heal over and then I have to go through the whole thing again! I am on time 2 of the tip coming in. UGH!

Grandma Susie’s Birthday in Ohio

I had a nice time painting airplanes and making silly faces! 🙂


Mommy thinks I am destined to do something creative. I really LOVE to paint!


I also love watching and learning from Breighton.


But don’t stand between me and my paints or I will cry.


What fun things Grandma Susie had for us to do. We flew the planes down the cellar stairs and then in the back yard. Mommy got one stuck on the roof and one in a tree! Woops!


It warmed up a little and we went to play in the back yard. I collected sticks, just like big bro!


I dug for worms… although I didn’t much see the point… my hands got dirty!



I opted for looking cute at the fence in the backyard! 🙂


I can’t wait to go back up to Ohio! We miss Grandma Susie and Great Granny Barbara.