First Tooth GONE

I have been bound and determined to have my first tooth out before I turn 7 in a week or so. I wiggle it non stop. Today I decided I wanted to pull it out. I walked into the kitchen nd grabbed a paper towel and said “Mom, I got this!” and went to the bathroom and just pulled it right out. No drama, no tears, minimal blood.


So proud!


Hey kid there is a hole in your mouth!


Growing up so quickly. Slow down a wee bit little man.


Some Fun and Some Work

I had a great time building the radio that Grandma Susie bought us for Christmas. When I finished it could pick up actual FM stations and I danced all around the house to a spanish station I picked up.


We had a fun time at Homeschool Ice Skating Open house. I am really enjoying skating and this was a HUGE event with limbo, games and lots of other stuff. Mom and Dad even skated with us!



A little bit of Latin to unwind with.


Practicing my spelling lessons.


Mom is slowly easing us back into school after nearly a month break.